ABSTRACT: Patient stress is the biggest barrier between nurses and patients. It can make effective nursing techniques ineffective and slow the rate of recovery from illness and injury. Patient stress is a problem that can, however, be improved by any nursing team with the correct frame of mind and influence on the rest of the practice staff.


Charlotte Carter RVN MBVNA MIACE (Advisor in Feline Behaviour)

Charlotte has been nursing for eight years. She has worked as a locum and permanent nurse in a variety of practices, including as a head nurse. She is currently a locum nurse and lives in South Wales. Her main interests in practice are feline behaviour and critical-care nursing. Charlotte has recently gained an Advanced Feline Behaviour Diploma at Distinction level and is now working towards her Vets Now Emergency and Critical Care Certificate.

Keywords: Clinical, Patient, Nurse

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (11) • November 2014 • pp362-364

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