ABSTRACT: For decades professional periodontal therapy has included scaling and polishing of patient’s teeth under anesthesia. Periodontal therapy also includes clinical evaluation, supra and sub-gingival cleaning, sulcal lavage, periodontal probing, evaluation and charting, as well as radiographs and a home care plan. As part of a taught syllabus and through practice protocol, veterinary nurses have become proficient at this part of Schedule 3 procedures. Recent continuing professional development (CPD) has indicated a change in practice, suggesting that polishing is no longer recommended. An evidence- based question was formulated: ‘In companion animals undergoing professional periodontal therapy, does polishing have an effect on enamel?’ A literature search was performed which included veterinary nursing, veterinary and dental research, this was then critically analysed. The findings indicate that there is no evidence to suggest a change to clinical practice is currently needed.


Sandra Fletcher BSc(Hons) PGCE DipAVN(Surgical) RVN A1

Sandra qualified in 1998. She went on to work in referral nursing, where she gained an Advanced Diploma (2003) and an honours degree (2006). She then moved on to veterinary nursing education, and recently gained the PGCE (2015). Her current interest is evidence- based veterinary nursing.

Email: sandra_whiting@hotmail.com

Keywords: Clinical, Medicine, Teeth

To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 30 (11) • November 2015 • pp312-315

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