VN Diversity, Inclusivity & Widening Participation Working Group
Who are DIWP?
We are the VN Diversity, Inclusivity & Widening Participation Working Group.
The group aims to enlist allies and role models to help drive change within the veterinary nursing profession through education, building awareness and offering aspiration to those from all backgrounds on a career in veterinary nursing. We will work with the RCVS Diversity and Inclusion Group (RCVS DIG) who launched their strategy earlier in 2021; and other allies and parties who are striving for the same goal. This will help to ensure that messages are consistent and that we are all working in alignment with finding solutions for widening participation into the profession.

Why role models, who are our role models, what has the DIWP Group done so far and how can you get involved?

Betsy Malamah-Thomas RVN
BVNA’s President interviews role model Betsy Malamah-Thomas about her career and diversity within the profession.

Deanna Hartley RVN
Role model Deanna explores her experience of entering the profession later in life as a change of career.

Jenna Joshi RVN
Role model Jenna Joshi shares her journey through her veterinary life focusing on being from an ethnic background.

Joshua Sancho SVN
BVNA’s President interviews role model Joshua Sancho SVN about his journey so far.

Ipek Seyis RVN
Role model Ipek Seyis discusses what a veterinary nurse is and what that means to her.

Joshua Sancho SVN
DIWP role model Joshua Sancho has created a video to share about the day in the life of an SVN.

Georgina Sharman RVN
Georgina is a member of the DIWP group and wrote a blog for us at the launch of the group, exploring why visibility is key.

Jenna Joshi RVN
BVNA Council member and DIWP member Kim Rathbone chats to DIWP role model Jenna Joshi about her journey to becoming an RVN, and any advice she would give to her younger self.

DIWP role model Susie explores her career journey, the challenges she has faced and the huge achievements she has made, from achieving further certification, to setting up an appeal for donations to support pets in Ukraine, and creating ‘Paws for Ukraine.’

Meet Vicki Nielsen, DIWP role model, an RVN currently working as an IQA and EDI Lead at Goddard Veterinary Nursing College

Meet Lacey Pitcher, DIWP role model;
“I am Lacey. Neurodivergent. Registered Veterinary Nurse. Advocate for the profession and for socio-economic diversity. Having been told to give up on a career in Veterinary medicine I now work for the RCVS as the Engagement and outreach Senior Officer for the Mind Matters Initiative. Much of my work encompasses protection, prevention and support in mental health for the Veterinary professions and wider community.”

In this blog, DIWP role model Daniel discusses the challenges he has faced throughout his career journey, from being a male VN, to being diagnosed with ADHD and Dyspraxia, and how he has thrived in his career despite the challenges.

Hi, my name is Neyda Sousa, DIWP role model, and this is my history;

DIWP role model Victoria Bowes chats to Jill from VN Futures.

Eleanor ‘Ellie’ Bateman came in to veterinary aged 27 after originally training as a social worker and working as a senior care practitioner within a residential home for looked after children.

Lisa has worked in veterinary practice for nearly 18 years, starting her professional career in 2004.

By increasing diversity in the profession, the public can become more aware of the VN world. With having more diverse role models for people wanting to become a VN, people from different backgrounds will bring different qualities and skills into the job and community. We tend to forget the goal is for the VN community to be diverse AND inclusive!

Krishna is an RVN working in a busy small animal hospital in West Yorkshire. She has always had a passion for animals, and growing up, she had a variety of pets, from hamsters to dogs.
Krishna shares her inspirational career story in this blog.
VN Futures Project Lead, Jill Macdonald, also interviews Krishna here.