On 7th September 2023, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) launched a review of the veterinary sector in the UK, which will investigate the provision of veterinary services to include client experiences and accessibility of information to be able to make financial and treatment decisions for their pet. As the professional representative body for UK veterinary nurses, the BVNA has been engaging with the CMA throughout its ongoing investigation.

On 12th March 2024, following the findings from its initial review, the CMA announced plans to launch a proposed Market Investigation Reference (MIR).

More information about the CMA review to date is available on the GOV.UK website here.

Below, you can find our responses in relation to the CMA review, plus some additional resources which may be helpful to you and your colleagues.


21st March 2025: Joint response to CMA working papers


22nd November 2024: Joint response to CMA approach to profitability and financial analysis working paper

6th August 2024: BVNA publishes response to CMA Issues Statement

23rd May 2024: BVNA responds to Competition and Markets Authority announcement to launch market investigation of veterinary sector

16th April 2024: BVNA champions value of veterinary nursing care in responses to CMA consultation

11th April 2024: BVNA response to the CMA proposed market investigation reference

11th April 2024: Joint response to the CMA proposed market investigation reference

19th March 2024: BVNA President Lyndsay Hughes joins webinar for veterinary professions (passcode available to BVNA members via member portal)

13th March 2024: BVNA host Q&A session for veterinary nursing profession

12th March 2024: BVNA responds to initial findings from CMA review of veterinary sector


14th November 2023: BVNA upholds value of veterinary nursing care in joint submission to Competition and Market Authority

3rd November 2023: Joint submission to the CMA review of the provision of veterinary services for household pets in the UK

28th September 2023: BVNA encourages veterinary nurses to engage with CMA review

7th September 2023: BVNA comments on CMA review of veterinary sector

CMA Review Q&A session – 13th March 2024

This page will be updated regularly.