BVNA members understand and agree to abide by:

• The rules set out in BVNA Memorandum and Articles of Association
RCVS Veterinary Nurse Registration Rules 2017 and the Veterinary Nurse Conduct and Discipline Rules 2014
BVNA Website Terms and Conditions and BVNA Privacy Policy

BVNA members understand and agree:

  • While you are a member of the Association, or within one year after ceasing to be a Member, you undertake to contribute to the assets of the Association, in the event of the same being wound up, for payment of the debts and liabilities of the Association before ceasing to be a member and of the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributions among themselves, such amount as may be required not exceeding £1.00.
  • Once you have logged into the members portal, only your name will be visible to other BVNA members in the members address book. You have options in Your Profile privacy settings to share some or all of your details other than your name, but in joining or logging in to the membership portal your name will show in the members directory, which is only accessible to BVNA members.

Membership Term

All memberships are annual for 12 months and on joining BVNA you agree to pay for 12 months of membership from the date you join. You can cancel your membership at any time but are responsible to pay any outstanding fees due for the annual membership.

Memberships are on a subscription basis and will renew automatically every year.

Cancel Membership

Membership can be cancelled by the BVNA on the following grounds:

  • You may cancel your membership within 5 days of signing up.

• If a member has conducted themselves in a way that is prejudicial or contrary to the best interests of BVNA. In this event, the Council will inform the member of their perceived misconduct, and allow 2 weeks for the member to respond. Council will decide if the grounds for cancellation are upheld and inform the member of their decision and why.

If membership is cancelled, the member has the right to appeal against the decision by emailing the President up to 2 weeks after they have been informed of the decision.

Council will then review and agree a final decision and inform the member of their final decision and why.

• If there is a non-payment of membership fees, the member receives a written reminder of non-payment 2 weeks after the due date. If no payment is received, membership is cancelled.

A member can cancel their membership by emailing at any time but is responsible to pay any outstanding fees due for the annual membership.

General Data Protection Regulation

BVNA collect data as described in BVNA Privacy Policy and in accordance with their Data Protection Policy January 2019. They have a GDPR Breach & Prevention Record and a Data Breach Response Plan in place.

Any member can request to see all data held on them by emailing