Look out for the BVNA booth at the National Careers Week 2021 virtual event taking place from the 1st to the 6th of March! At the moment, we’ve all had to adapt and we hope that young people who have an interest in or would like to find out more about a career in animal welfare and veterinary nursing, will go to the #NCW2021 event website and visit our booth. Our booth has information and a video on the training required and routes that can be taken to become a veterinary nurse and describes what work and activities a veterinary nurse carries out.
If you’re a parent or young person, you can find out more about how the virtual event works here where you can find booklets and guides such as The Parent’s Guide to Careers, An introduction to Careers Week and The Future of Work Guide. There are also activities for young people such as a Skills Builder Benchmark self-assessment tool, signposting to Not Going to Uni website and many resources that young people and parents may find useful.
BVNA have our own Learning & Development team who can help with any questions about a career in veterinary nursing. Email bvna@bvna.co.uk and ask your questions or visit the booth at #NWC2021. You can also find BVNA Veterinary Nursing Career Advice here.