ABSTRACT: This case study examines the wound management of a large traumatic avulsed wound to the torso of a healthy adult dog. The evaluation of this case supports the concept of a “Wound nurse” within the veterinary practice to oversee wound cases, ensure continuity of care, identify key healing stages and to ensure that wound management standards are high.
Claire Tomkinson
Claire qualified as an RVN in 2011 and works at Willow Veterinary Clinic Ltd. She enjoys the challenge and variety of emergency cases and therefore chose to embark upon the Nurses Certificate in Emergency and Critical Care, which she thoroughly enjoyed and passed in 2015. In 2019, Claire studied for the BSAVA Merit Award in Wound Management. Outside of work, Claire has a daughter and a mischievous basset hound called Sidney. Email: claire.tomkinson.88@googlemail.com
Keywords: wound management; wound nurse; avulsion; dehiscence
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (08) • August 2020 pp226-230
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