By Charlotte Busuttil BSc(Hons), RVN, DipVNZS, APVN(Zoo). Since graduating from the Royal Veterinary College in 2018, Charlotte has pursued her passion for exotic species through volunteering and CPD opportunities. She is an active member of the Association of Zoo and Exotic Veterinary Nurses and British Divers Marine Life Rescue. Alongside volunteering for rescue centres and wildlife rehabilitation facilities, Charlotte has worked clinically in zoological collections in the UK and abroad. She is committed to environmentally friendly practices and advocating for wildlife and exotic animal welfare.
ABSTRACT In the UK, common frog (Rana temporaria) and toad (Bufo bufo) numbers are falling, with common toad numbers in the UK declining by 68% in the past 30 years. Causes for the decline include roads dividing the land between toads and breeding ponds, cat attacks and gardening accidents. This case report describes the treatment of a common toad with a traumatic amputative injury of the hindlimb, including nursing care through to release. The case is evaluated to improve future veterinary care of amphibians and raise awareness of this threatened species.
Keywords amphibian, toad, Bufo, wildlife, rehabilitation
To cite this article: Busuttil, C. (2024) Wound management and rehabilitation of an injured common toad (Bufo bufo) following foot amputation. Veterinary Nursing Journal 39(3) pp52-58
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