ABSTRACT: The Master’s Degree in Veterinary Nursing now offered by Harper Adams University College, Shropshire, delivers a wide range of modules that are aimed to suit our varied profession. The Degree offers choice and flexibility and is ideally suited to Registered Veterinary Nurses working in a range of roles.
Emma Aitken AVN (Small Animal) DipHE CVN RVN
Emma has a keen interest in promoting animal welfare and runs a company called Pet Train, which provides first-aid training for the General Public. It also delivers the Animal Nursing Assistant qualification to students, on a distance learning basis. In her own time, Emma is welfare officer for a branch of Cats Protection, and looks after her two children, as well as a Labrador retriever called Hazel, three cats, chickens and tortoises.
Keywords: Feature, Veterinary, View
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (06) • June 2014 • pp213-214
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