ABSTRACT: The RSPCA is the oldest charity in the UK. It was founded in 1824 (so officially before the police). It was originally founded primarily in order to campaign to change the law relating to animal welfare and once enacted, to enforce animal welfare legislation and to educate the public on animal welfare. It now operates around 40 veterinary clinics and around 200 animal centres and rehoming branches across England and Wales, as well as engaging in educational, campaigning, and inspectorate work.
This article considers some of the issues the RSPCA faces, how veterinary nurses are involved – and how greater involvement could help to tackle some of the more serious challenges to animal welfare.
James is Chief Veterinary Officer of the RSPCA, which has around 40 veterinary clinics and works with most practices in England and Wales. He is also Honorary Lecturer at the University of Bristol, Fellow at the University of Surrey and the author of Animal Welfare in Veterinary Practice (UFAW/Wiley Blackwell).
Keywords: Clinical, Animal welfare, Veterinary nurse
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (01) • January 2016 pp30-31
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