ABSTRACT: This article reviews alternatives to endotracheal tubes for airway management in veterinary patients under anaesthesia. Anaesthesia has had many improvements over the past few decades and now airway management is finally catching up and so veterinary anaesthetists have a wider choice of options. As in other areas of anaesthesia, airway management should not be a one-size-fits-all approach. Patient and procedure should be considered before selecting the most appropriate airway device.
Dawn Sheppard
Dawn Sheppard qualified as a veterinary nurse over 30 years ago and following an initial 11 years in practice; she has spent most of her career within the commercial sector selling critical care and capital equipment to vets. Working with Docsinnovent Ltd since 2012, she offers airway management education and product support for the v-gels in over 25 countries and over 60 vet schools and universities around the world.
Email: dawn@docsinnovent.com
Keywords: Airway management; v-gel® supraglottic airway device; anaesthesia
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 33 (09) • September 2018 pp262-265
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