Author: Lowrie Hamilton BSc (Hons), RVN
Lowrie qualified in 2020 and graduated with her BSc (Hons) degree from the Royal Veterinary College in 2021. She currently works as an orthopaedic nurse in a large first opinion practice in Milton Keynes, where she loves monitoring and scrubbing into complex surgeries. In the future she hopes to complete certificates in anaesthesia and emergency and critical care.
Author: Sarah Batt-Williams, BSc (Hons), RVN, MSc Vet Ed, FHEA
Sarah is a senior teaching fellow and co-course director on the BSc and FdSc in veterinary nursing at the Royal Veterinary College. She has been involved in the further and higher education of veterinary nurses since 2016, having previously worked within university, referral, first opinion and charity practices in the UK and Australia, while also seeing practice in America and South Africa. She is interested in the regulation of the profession, professional identity and evidence-based veterinary nursing.
ABSTRACT Airway management is a vital part of the anaesthetic process and crucial to the health and welfare of animals undergoing anaesthetic procedures by delivering oxygen and inhalational agents. The methods available to veterinary practice are well discussed and the advantages and disadvantages widely known. They are summarised in Part 1 of this two-part series. However, it is not known which methods are most often used for feline neutering procedures and why, as there have been no previous studies on this topic. This will be explored in Part 2 of this series.
Keywords: face masks, endotracheal tubes, supraglottic airway devices, tracheostomy tubes, airway management, intubation, feline, neutering
DOI: 10.56496/RGWF9084
To cite this article: Hamilton, L. and Batt-Williams, S. (2023) Airway management preferences and barriers to endotracheal intubation in elective feline neutering procedures Part 1: a literature review. VNJ Volume 38 (1) pp 36-39
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