ABSTRACT: The administration of regional anaesthesia to the thoracic limbs is a little more complex than to the head, and the potential complications and side effects are greater. However, there are still a wide range of regional anaesthesia techniques available for patients receiving procedures on forelimbs and these are generally underused. Part two of this series looks at regional anaesthesia for the thoracic limb and what veterinary nurses should expect from the local blocks, both during the procedure and on recovery.
Mary Barker BSC (Hons) RVN
Mary graduated from the Royal Veterinary College as an RVN in 2010. She worked in a charity practice before moving to the Queen Mother Hospital as an anaesthesia nurse in October 2011. She is hoping to start her nursing Certificate in Anaesthesia and Critical Care this year.
Keywords: Clinical, Anaesthesia, Thoracic
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (02) • February 2014 • pp47-50
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