ABSTRACT: Dental disease is extremely prevalent among dogs and it is essential that it is prevented because it affects health and quality of life. Many factors including breed, genetics, age, weight and systemic diseases can increase the chances of getting dental disease. Owner compliance and a lack of education in dental disease is also a key factor contributing to poor oral health. However, educating owners on the importance of preventing dental disease is crucial to prevention and professional cleaning, daily tooth brushing, dental chews and dry food can all significantly improve dental health.
Louise Stott RVN BSc (Hons)
Louise qualified as a Veterinary Nurse July 2017 from Middlesex University She works in a small animal practice. Louise is particularly interested in emergency critical care and is currently completing the Vets Now ECC certificate that she started October 2018. She is also passionate about preventing dental care. Louise wrote her dissertation on preventing dental disease and has just completed the BVNA oral care nurse certificate.
Email louisestott@ntlworld.com
Keywords: dental; health; veterinary nurse; dog; oral; systemic
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 34 (05) • May 2019 pp131-134
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