ABSTRACT: Supplements are easily accessible to the general public; there are adverts everywhere for them. The main concern is that very often people seem to have a misconception that they are appropriate as a replacement for conventional analgesic medication when a diagnosis of arthritis is found, but at the present time there does not appear to be enough evidence to suggest this. This article aims too examine the evidence for the use of supplements in canine arthritis management
Robyn J. Lowe RVN
I am a Registered Veterinary Nurse who qualified with a degree from Myerscough School of Veterinary Nursing in 2016 and have started my RCVS Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing in 2018. I have worked on a volunteer basis with animals since I was four and my passion for this profession has only grown since then. I spent years of my life at the Horse and Pony Protection Association (HAPPA) and later at a local rescue and rehabilitation yard. Here I met a veterinary surgeon who inspired me, and I went for my first work experience in 2008 at the busy mixed practice where they worked. I have also travelled to Thailand to volunteer my knowledge and skills working with elephants, horses, goats, pigs, water buffalo, cats and dogs. One of my interests in practice is arthritis, I love osteoarthritis clinics and using multimodal approaches to managing the condition, it can be extremely rewarding seeing both owners and patients travel this extremely difficult journey together to improve quality of life for their pet. Email: robynblythe@btinternet.com
Keywords: Supplements; caregiver placebo; arthritis
To cite this article: • VOL 35 (09-12)• September-December 2020 • Veterinary Nursing
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