When I started my degree in veterinary nursing in 2018, I had high expectations of the three years ahead of me. Having received an informative induction from my university and completing four weeks of work experience in a veterinary practice, I felt ready and raring to go onto my placement. Upon reflection of my experiences however, it is clear that there are many elements I wish I had known right from the beginning. I decided to write this article in the aim to help prepare future student veterinary nurses (SVNs) for their degrees.
Charlotte Barnett SVN
Charlotte Barnett is a third year SVN studying at Middlesex University She is proud to be a student hedgehog ambassador. She has worked at a number of first opinion practices and has a passion for nursing wildlife. After qualifying she hopes to complete the advanced programme in veterinary nursing and exotic species and eventually work in a wildlife hospital Email: CBI364@live.mdx.ac.uk.
To cite this article: VOL 36 • May 2021 • Veterinary Nursing Journal
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