ABSTRACT: Socialising a puppy is a challenge at the best of times, but particularly more so during lockdown. Veterinary and behaviour professionals can help owners prevent problem behaviours developing by raising awareness of canine body language, setting up first clinical exams to be positive experiences and providing tips on how owners can adapt social experiences to the individual.
Roz Pooley MSc CAB
Roz Pooley has run The Mutty Professor Ltd since 2010. She started off as a dog walker and over time she learned more about behaviour and training and started doing 1-2-1s and consultations in 2012 onwards. After completing extensive CPD she was accepted onto Edinburgh’s Master’s Degree in Clinical Animal Behaviour in 2017 and graduated in November 2020. Her thesis focused on training and behaviour, professional’s perception of behaviour problems in littermates. Roz is a certified member of the IAABC, a full CAB member of the APBC and is beginning her application to become CCAB. She has three adult rescue dogs and has recently adopted a Border Collie puppy called Mohawk. Email: roz@themuttyprofessorco.uk
Keywords: puppy; puppies; socialisation; puppy classes
To cite this article: VOL 36 • June 2021 (06)• Veterinary Nursing Journal pp187-190
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