ABSTRACT: Surgical site infections can have a significant effect on quality of life for the patient. They are associated with considerable morbidity and extended hospital stay. In addition, they result in a significant financial and emotional burden to owners.
This article will focus on the preparation of the patient for surgery and measures that can be taken to limit the spread of infection within the operating theatre.
Claire Roberts DipAVN(Surg) RVN
Claire qualified as a VN in 2000 and has worked in first opinion, charity and referral practice. She gained the Diploma in Advanced Surgical Nursing in 2006 and has a keen interest in surgical nursing and anaesthesia. She has worked as an assessor, internal verifier and assistant examiner for the RCVS and a lecturer and strongly believes in veterinary nursing as a profession. Claire currently works at a specialist practice in Winchester, whilst running her own CPD company, SynergyCPD www.synergycpd.com, which specialises in bespoke onsite CPD for veterinary nurses.
Keywords: Clinical, Surgical, Site
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (08) • July 2013 • pp211-217
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