ABSTRACT: Communication is a vital part of patient care and client relationship in today’s veterinary practice. Reviewing communication from the aspects of context, content, complexity, concentration, courtesy, consistency, and compassion, the article suggests ways the veterinary nurse can improve how they talk to their clients in the consult room or other areas of interaction. Improving communication directly affects client compliance, customer experience, and so leads to improved animal welfare.
Mark Hedberg DVM MRCVS
Mark is an American veterinary surgeon with clinical experience in the Middle East and the UK. Following five years in very, very, very mixed practice in Saudi Arabia and then Kent, he spent four years working at The College of Animal Welfare in Huntingdon, turning around an underperforming CPD programme, and launching the Head Nurse Congress, the UK’s first two-day head vet nurse- focused event. An experienced speaker and author; he has presented papers in the UK and internationally, at BSAVA, NAVC, London Vet Show and other regional CPD events. In March 2016 he opened a new clinic with Vets4Pets in St Neots, where he is trying very hard to be the boss his team deserves.
Keywords: Clinical, Seven Cs
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (04) • April 2016 pp115-117
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