ABSTRACT: Pigs are part of the fabric of our upbringing. Rare breeds are popular with smallholders, while micro/mini-pigs are kept as novel indoor pets. This article provides advice on pet pig care. Owners may love their pet pig just as they would a dog, but healthcare requirements are different.
Clare Spencer BVet Med MRCVS
Clare has been a pet pig keeper for many years and loves to share her experience and knowledge of this topic. She graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 1984. Born in the Chinese Zodiac Year of the Pig, Clare is attracted by their fascinating behaviour and adorable personalities, which make them such delightful pets.
Clare has practised in the UK and France and currently works as a small animal locum and small animal nutrition technical adviser. She lives in the Forest of Dean, one of only three established breeding sites for wild boar in Britain, and is an active member of the Commoner’s Association
Keywords: Clinical, Swill, Sausage
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (03) • March 2014 • pp 91-94
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