This is the first in a series of occasional features taken from old issues of the journal. The following article appeared in the forerunner of the VNJ, the British Animal Nursing Auxiliaries Association Newsletter, in May of 1979.
It was written at a time when veterinary nursing, and indeed the veterinary profession, was much less known than it is today, and it serves to highlight many of the changes that have taken place over the last 30 years.
Jeanie Taylor RANA
Jeanie always knew she wanted to work with animals and started her animal nursing career at the age of 16. Her weekly salary was £8! Jeanie worked at various veterinary practices and then explored other jobs until her taking up her last post almost 20 years ago. She works in the NHS in southeast London.
Keywords: Feature, Life, Rana
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (01) • January 2014 • pp29-30
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