ABSTRACT: Rabbits may be the third most popular pet; however, 35% of rabbit owners are not registered with a veterinary practice. This means that recognition of chronic pain disorders in these patients is particularly challenging. Musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis and lumbar spondylosis are common problems seen in rabbits. When it comes to management or palliative care for chronic cases there is so much Veterinary Surgeons and Registered Veterinary Nurses can do to improve the welfare of rabbits suffering from chronic pain conditions. This article aims to address a few of these points.
Robyn Lowe Fdsc RVN
Robyn is a Registered Veterinary Nurse who qualified with a degree from Myerscough School of Veterinary Nursing in 2016 and is due to start her RCVS Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing in 2018. Robyn has worked on a volunteer basis with animals since she was four and her passion for this profession has only grown since then. She spent years of her life at the Horse and Pony Protection Association (HAPPA) and later at a local rescue and rehabilitation yard. Here she met a veterinary surgeon who inspired her; and she went for her first work experience in 2008 at the busy mixed practice where this vet worked. Since graduation Robyn has developed particular interests in the areas of wound management, wildlife and rabbit medicine and clinical care. She has also travelled to Thailand to volunteer her knowledge and skills working with elephants, horses, goats, pigs, water buffalo, c
ats and dogs.
Rabbits have been a particular interest of Robyn as she found herself rooting for the underdogs of practice. She saw a lack of knowledge of how to manage geriatric rabbits and rabbit chronic pain and knew she wanted to make a positive impact.
Email: robynblythe@btinternet.com
Keywords: Rabbit; chronic pain; rabbit osteoarthritis
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 34 (01) • January 2019 pp7-11
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