ABSTRACT: The best day of the month for the majority of us is pay day. This is the day that we like the look of our bank account, albeit for a short time before the balance quickly diminishes with all the outgoings we have, and we don’t want to look again until the next pay day. We don’t feel bad about accepting our wages as we all work hard and should expect to be paid for this work, but how often do we really consider where this money comes from? When we price up work undertaken for a pet, whether it be from operations, inpatient care or for products such as food, buster collars, drugs, etc., we don’t always know where all this money (if it is paid to the practice) goes. We are just happy that our wages are in our banks on the day they should be.
Helen Tottey rvn
After qualifying in 1996, Helen soon found her interests were in front of people rather than an anaesthetic machine and became a full-time consulting nurse in 1997-2004. She then joined Pet Plan as a rep for a few years before returning to set up and run her own veterinary practice. Selling this in 2013, Helen now works for Mojo Consultancy and Onswitch. Email: helen@mojoconsultancy.com
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (12) • December 2016 pp378-380
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