ABSTRACT In the UK, drugs such as pethidine, and buprenorphine methadone are known as Controlled Drugs because this is the term by which the Acl itself refers to them In more general terms, however, many of these drugs are also controlled by the Medicines Act 1968. There are many other drugs which are controlled by the Medicines Act but not by the Misuse of Drugs Act, and other substances which may be considered drugs (alcohol, for examplel are controlled by other laws
Nicola Ackerman BSc(Hons) RVN CertSAN CertECC A1 V1
Nicola graduated from Hartpury College with an Honours Degree m Equine Science, and currently works as senior medical nuirse at The Veterinary Hospital in Plymouth. She is a past officer of the BVNA and is now the chair of The Pet Obesity Taskforce. Nicola sits on the Veterinary Products Committee, has written for many veterinary publications and textbooks. She won the BVNA/Blue Cross Award for Welfare in 2010 and in 201 I the SQP Veterinary Nurse of the Year.
Keywords: Clinical, Drugs, Practices
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (04) • April 2014 • pp126-129
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