ABSTRACT: Acquiring placement is fundamental for any veterinary nursing course, be it for block placement as a degree student, or full-time employment as an apprentice. With training placements being limited by availability, this highly competitive task can appear very daunting, especially if it is your first time submitting an application of this nature. There are many elements that contribute towards achieving a placement, including a concise curriculum vitae, a professional interview and, above all, your dedication and personality. This article endeavours to provide organisational and formatting advice that will help your passion for veterinary nursing shine through to potential employers.
Suzanne Bedford, Student Veterinary Nurse
Suzanne is a second-year SVN studying the foundation degree at Sparsholt College, Hampshire. She joined the BVNA as a Student Council Member in 2016 and is passionate about encouraging student contribution to the development of the profession. Her main interests include anatomy and emergency and critical care.
Email: sbedford3@sky.com
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (09) • September 2017 pp271-272
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