ABSTRACT: This article is the second of three that examine why hospitalisation is stressful, and why and how to reduce that stress. In it, I review the evidence for using synthetic pheromone preparations to relieve in-patient stress. I conclude that there is no robust, published evidence to support such use, and that environmental enrichment is a more logical approach.
Caroline Hewson MVB PhD MRCVS
From 2000 to 2006, Caroline Hewson was Research Chair in Animal Welfare at the Atlantic Veterinary College, Canada Resuming locum work in the UK in 2008, she surveyed UK pet owners and found they value a patient-friendly hospital environment more than clinical features such as an in-house laboratory. Caroline continues to wrestle with how to balance clinical efficiency with client- and patient-care and is the creator of the client-care resource The Loss of Your Pet.
Keywords: Clinical, Stress, Pheromone
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (06) • June 2014 • pp204-206
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