ABSTRACT: As rabbits are the third most common pet in the UK, it is imperative that RVNs are able to provide exemplary care to these patients. It is important that rabbits be treated according to their physiological needs, in order to minimise stress and improve survival rates in the peri-anaesthetic period. This article provides a summary of nursing care and interventions to consider when anaesthetising a healthy rabbit.
Tawny E. Kershaw BSc(Hons) APVN(Small Mammal) RVN AFHEA
Tawny graduated from Nottingham Trent University in July 2016 with a FdSc degree in Veterinary Nursing Science. Tawny has since completed her BSc Top-Up degree with Nottingham Trent University with a first class honours and is currently working towards completing the Girling and Fraser Advanced Programme for Veterinary Nursing of Exotics, Wildlife and Zoo Animals. Tawny works as a locum RVN for TEK Locums Ltd covering the Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire and Manchester areas. Her key areas of interest are in exotic veterinary nursing, orthopaedics and evidence based nursing practice.
Email: tawny.kershaw@hotmail.com
Keywords: rabbit; anaesthesia; monitoring; techniques; peri-operative; care
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (09-12) • September-December 2020 •
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