ABSTRACT: Iridium-192 |192 lr) implants can be used to treat peri-ocular sarcoids when more conventional therapies are not possible or previously have been unsuccessful. Although an effective treatment, it does have health and safety implications for veterinary personnel, owing to potential radiation exposure.
Elaine Packer RVN
Elaine has experience gained in a working Hunter competition yard, prior to becoming an RVN. In 2007, a year after raining in Sudbury. Suffolk, she became an RVN and took a position at Rossdales Equine Hospital as a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse during stud season.
Elaine became a permanent member of staff in 2009 and completed the EVN qualification in 2011. She is now the nurse responsible for caring for the patients who are admitted for brachytherapy.
Keywords: Clinical, Horse, Pero-ocular
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (03) • March 2013 • pp82-84
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