ABSTRACT After graduation and gaining experience in small animal hospitals, I moved to work in an equine hospital in Hong Kong. I found that some fundamental, small-animal surgical nursing techniques learnt at university could be applied to large-animal practice. This article is a clinical case review and aims to act as an introduction to equine surgery and anaesthesia in Hong Kong.
Ivan Cheung BSc(Hons)VN
Ivan has recently graduated from Hong Kong Polytechnic University with the first cohort of BSc(Hons) veterinary nursing students. During the four years of study, he had placements in a number of different environments, including private veterinary hospitals, charity organizations, rescue shelters, laboratories, a theme park, a riding school and a government department. Since graduation, Ivan has started working at the Hong Kong Jockey Club, in the Equine Hospital, as a Veterinary Clinical Technician.
Email: ivan.hy.cheung@hkjc.org.hk URL: www.hkjc.com
Keywords: Clinical, Orthopaedic surgery
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (01) • January 2016 pp14-16
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