Author Sophie Sparrow, RVN, BSc (Hons)
ABSTRACT Osteoarthritis is common in older domestic and captive exotic felids and impacts their quality of life. An African serval (Leptailurus serval) had undergone an onychectomy (declaw) on all four paws, prior to confiscation from the pet trade. Physiological changes later in the serval’s life can be attributed to this, with radiographic evidence of bony changes at the onychectomy site of the second phalanx in the digits, with concurrent stifle osteoarthritis. Nonpharmacological interventions and pharmacological agents were used in the management of the condition.
Keywords osteoarthritis, serval, onychectomy
To cite this article: VNJ Volume 37 (4) September 2022 pp48-53
DOI: 10.56496/TOKB5021
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