Ruby Scholefield, RVN Ruby qualified from the College of Animal Welfare in 2021. She began her career in first opinion practice before moving to referral nursing in June 2021. Ruby has a keen interest in medical nursing and emergency and critical care nursing. She has participated in numerous practice audits and is actively involved in practice surveillance.
ABSTRACT Enteral feeding allows adequate nutritional support to be delivered to a patient via a feeding tube. There are a multitude of reasons why enteral feeding may be the most suitable method of feeding a hospitalised animal. This article provides a general overview of the three main feeding tubes used in veterinary practice: the naso-oesophageal tube, the oesophagostomy tube and the percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube. It also discusses how to appropriately choose, use and care for these tubes.
Keywords enteral, feeding, tube, patient, nutrition, naso-oesophageal, oesophagostomy, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
To cite this article: Scholefield, R. (2024) A guide to enteral feeding tubes. VNJ 39 (6) pp 53-58
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