Author: Kai Dillenburger-Keenan, RVN
Kai qualified from Dundalk Institute of Technology with a BSc in veterinary nursing in 2020. She is from Northern Ireland and moved to Yorkshire to work at Swift Referrals. Kai has had an interest in weight management in dogs since starting her degree and wants to see weight management clinics more readily available in everyday practice. She was awarded runner-up in the Veterinary Nurse of the Year Award – Northern Ireland 2021 and was a nominee for the Veterinary Nurse of the Year Award 2022. Her goal is to encourage others to voice their opinions in order to make a positive change in the veterinary field.
DOI: 10.56496/IUBT9985
ABSTRACT Animal obesity is seen far too often in daily life as well as in practice. Worryingly, the effects of animals being overweight are now becoming ‘the norm’. This can mean that dogs are not able to live their lives to the fullest because their
owners are unwittingly overfeeding them. This article explores what we, as veterinary nurses, can do to educate owners about weight gain in dogs, and how we can support owners in helping their pet to lose weight.
Keywords weight management, obesity, canine
To cite this article: Dillenburger-Keenan, K. (2023) The effects of canine obesity and how to combat weight gain in dogs. VNJ 38 (2) pp 18-22.
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