ABSTRACT: Rabbits are strict herbivores who require a high-fibre, abrasive diet for optimum digestive function. Diet plays a key role in preventing or lessening in severity several common health problems, as well as providing environmental enrichment, and therefore feeding rabbits correctly and understanding their nutritional needs is vital for veterinary nurses.
Claire Speight RVN AI C&G Cert in Veterinary Nursing of exotic species
Claire qualified as a veterinary nurse in 2007 and gained the C&G Certificate in Nursing Exotics in 2009. Claire works as a senior nurse at Kettering Vets4Pets, and lectures to veterinary nurses and owners on rabbit care. She is also editor of the Rabbit Welfare Association’s magazine, Rabbiting On.
Email: cking_bunnymad@hotmail.com
Keywords: Feature, Nutritional needs
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (05) • May 2017 pp144-147
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