ABSTRACT: For veterinary nurses working in a referral setting, communication with clients at admission can pose a challenge. The focus of a veterinary surgeon’s consultation may focus on the patient’s medical presentation, limiting information pertinent to a nursing assessment (e.g. normal mobility, normal toileting habits). The nursing process indicates that nurses must carry out a nursing assessment in order to create nursing care goals. If the assessment is based on limited information, veterinary nursing assessments are also limited. The author developed a nursing assessment document for clients to complete; facilitating more tailored nursing care in a referral hospital setting.
Juliet received a First Class degree from the University of Bristol in 2017, having readVeterinary Nursing and Bioveterinary Science for four years. After completing Langford Vets’ Graduate Nursing Programme, she took up a full-time position in their Canine Medicine Department. As well as caring for hospitalised patients, Juliet enjoys running medical procedures, teaching veterinary and veterinary nursing students, and her role in the hospital’s Infection Control Committee. If readers would like more information about the PAT, please contact the author using the provided email address. Email: jm13940@bristol.ac.uk
Keywords: care planning; nursing process; referral hospital; patient admission
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 36 (08) • August 2021 pp257-260
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