ABSTRACT: The anaesthetic machine is vital for providing safe anaesthesia for veterinary patients; however, its importance is often overlooked. When purchasing a new anaesthetic machine, the buyer is faced with a wide range of options. Often the price range is dictated not only by additional features, but also additional safety mechanisms. This article aims to familiarise the reader with the key components of an anaesthetic machine and the additional components that various machines may boast. Care and maintenance will be covered, as will a description of safety checks. A discussion of medical gas provision and anaesthetic gas scavenging systems will also be provided.
Susanna Taylor RVN VTS(Anesthesia) NCert(A&CC)
Susanna qualified as an RVN in 2006. She began employment at the Royal Veterinary College in 2007 as one of its first specialised anaesthesia nurses and became head anaesthesia nurse in 2009. Susanna met the credentials of the Veterinary Technician Specialist (Anesthesia) qualification and travelled to San Antonio in 2010 to sit the exam. She is currently enjoying maternity leave with her first daughter, Eliza.
Keywords: Clinical, Anaesthetic, Mechanism
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (01) • January 2013 • pp8-12
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