ABSTRACT: As there appears to be an increase in the number of people purchasing puppies and kittens, it is important that they contact their veterinary practice to get advice before they make their choice. Veterinary nurses are best placed to talk to prospective owners about key aspects such as species, sources and age of their new pet. Ideally, we should encourage owners to consider adopting a pet rather than shopping for one. If clients still want to purchase a puppy, they should be aware of Lucy’s Law that came into force in April 2020 regarding the sale of puppies.
I would like to thank Marc Abraham for taking part in the Q and A and giving us an insight on the incredible work he does and continues to do.
April Louise Murphy RVN
April is a newly qualified veterinary nurse working full time in Goddard’s branch in East London. She is passionate about exotic and feline nursing and is the Cat Advocate in her practice. She has an interest in anaesthesia and hopes to complete an anaesthesia course in the near future. April is a strong believer that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. She hopes to encourage RVNS and SVNs alike to have a voice, learn from each other and change practice for the better.
Email: missapril104@gmail.com
DOI: 10.1080/17415349.2021.1921643
Keywords: choosing a pet, Lucy’s Law, giving advice
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 36 (09)• September 2021 pp281-284
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