Author: Charley Humphries RVN
During the monitoring of an anaesthetic, the veterinary nurse is often first to note any abnormalities or changes in the patient’s status and communicate these to the veterinary surgeon. Patients with intracranial disease and potential alterations in intracranial pressure can present to the practice in a variety of clinical states. As with human medicine, a full patient assessment should be carried out prior to anaesthesia. It is important that veterinary nurses can recognise clinical indicators suggestive of increased intracranial pressure, as early recognition is essential in preventing worsening of the patient’s clinical status and neuronal death. Methods and considerations of nursing care can be implemented to minimise anaesthetic complications
Keywords: anaesthesia, intracranial pressure, induction, recovery
To cite this article: VNJ, 2022 37 (5) pp 46-51
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