Author Chelsey Surgenor RVN BSc(Hons)
ABSTRACT Bilateral ureteral obstruction in felines is relatively uncommon, with subsequent placement of bilateral subcutaneous ureteral bypasses even more uncommon for veterinary nurses to encounter in practice. This case report covers the presentation, diagnostics, treatment, nursing care, complications and ongoing outpatient care of Kolo, a two-yearold ragdoll, who presented with this condition and ultimately required surgical intervention for a successful outcome. Part 1 encompasses the patient’s journey from
admission to hospitalised recovery. A glossary of terms can be found at the end of Part 1.
Key words: renal, feline medicine, surgery, nursing care, intensive care, case study, ureteral
Author: Chelsey Surgenor
holds a Zoo Biology BSc (Hons) degree, has been in practice since 2014, qualified as an RVN in 2020 and started the Vets Now Cert VN ECC course in 2021. Having spent the first few years in general practice, Chelsey transitioned to an Internal Medicine nursing role soon after qualifying, while continuing to locum in emergency and referral practices. Her key areas of interest encompass critical care nursing and medicine diagnostics.
To cite this article VNJ Volume 37 (1) March 2022 pp 18-24
DOI: 10.1080/17415349.2021.1944414
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