ABSTRACT: Equine artificial insemination is widely performed in equine and mixed practice using chilled and frozen semen. To facilitate a safe and cost effective procedure, veterinary nurses should have an appropriate level of knowledge of the endocrinology and reproductive anatomy in the mare, as well as the insemination procedure, in order to assist the veterinary surgeon.
Catherine Lane FdSc REVN
Catherine graduated from Hartpury College in 2012 after gaining the Equine Veterinary Nursing Science Degree; she also qualified as an equine artificial insemination technician in 2012. She works at Western Counties Equine Hospital, Devon, where she is the head nurse and is currently working towards the Higher Education Clinical Veterinary Nursing Diploma at Myerscough College.
Keywords: Clinical, Equine, Insermination
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 30 (05) • May 2015 • pp146-149
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