ABSTRACT: This article aims to highlight the various infectious diseases that domesticated rabbits may face in their lifetime. Without early treatment or vaccination, some of these diseases can be fatal. It is vital that we, as veterinary professionals, are confident and able to educate owners to ensure that they maintain good husbandry and health for their companions in order to maximise their lifespan.
Catherine Raw RVN
Catherine began her career at an early age and started her training with animals in 1994. She qualified as an RVN in January 1999. She has always had a particular interest in rabbits, and has rescued a few of her own over the years. She completed my City & Guilds Certificate in Nursing Exotic Species in 2002.
Email: catherine.raw@broadleysvets.co.uk
Keywords: Clinical, Infectious Disease, Myxomatosis
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (10) • October 2017 pp298-300
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