ABSTRACT: Veterinary nurses are often involved in diagnostic imaging procedures. In the quest to obtain images which the veterinary surgeon may use to further a diagnosis, it must be remembered that the patient in question requires dedicated care throughout the process. Discussion of the case with the attending veterinary surgeon (VS) allows for an understanding of the suspected disease process and enables the nurse to tailor the care to the individual patient. It is also essential to be aware of the health and safety requirements involved and a brief refresher is included in this article.
Paula Bagshaw-Wright RVN NCert(A&CC)
Paula qualified as an RVN in 2008 and achieved her Nurses Certificate in Anaesthesia and Critical Care in 2012 and she is currently studying for her Advanced Veterinary Nursing Diploma. She has worked for Woodcroft Veterinary Group in Cheshire for 14 years.
Keywords: Clinical, Hyperparathyroidism
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (06) • June 2016 pp170-172
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