ABSTRACT: The aims of this study were to identify if newly hospitalised cats would both use a hide, and show a reduction in stress levels when one was provided. Healthy cats attending a clinic for elective neutering were randomly allocated to either the Hide group (n = 15) or the No Hide group (n = 15). Temperature, heart, and respiration rates were recorded on admission and after 20 min hospitalisation. Cats were cat stress scored (q 2 min) and their location with the kennel scored (q 30 s) over this 20 min period.
Louise A. Buckley BA (Hons), PG Cert (TLHEP), PGDip, PhD, RVN
Louise is an experienced RVN with particular interests in an
imal behaviour and welfare and raw food feeding. She has a PhD in poultry behaviour and divides her time between veterinary nursing and lecturing. She is passionate about nurses engaging more with research.
E-mail: lbuckley@harper-adams.ac.uk
Laura Arrandale
Laura Arrandale is a RVN living and working in the Milton Keynes area. She graduated in 2012 from Harper Adams University with a BSc(Hons) Veterinary Nursing and Practice Management degree. She has a strong interest in the welfare of the feline patient.
Email: laura.arrandale@hotmail.co.uk
Keywords: Clinical, Acute stress, Hospitalised
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (05) • May 2017 pp129-132
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