ABSTRACT: Being hearinq-impaired in everyday life can be a challenge in itself; however, when I started at my current job I found the staff were fascinated by my implant. To me, my implant is a normal part of my life and quite often I forqet that other people may have questions about how I hear compared to them. I thought I would try and answer a few of these questions on behalf of some of the other hearinq-impaired Veterinary Nurses I have communicated with. Hopefully it will give some insight into how some VNs deal with being in practice.
Emma Joanne Campbell RVN BSC (Hons)
Emma qualified as an RVN in July 2015 from Edinburgh Napier University and currently works at Links Veterinary Group in East Lothian. Her passion is animal behaviour and she is currently studying for her Masters in Clinical Animal Behaviour
Email: emmacampbell3@googlemail.com
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (07) • July 2017 pp191-193
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