ABSTRACT: Hand hygiene is well publicized as the most effective line of defense against infections in both veterinary and human hospitals, although there is better surveillance and more research in the human field. The whole veterinary team should be educated on the importance of hand hygiene, but there are barriers to implementing an establishment-wide hand hygiene policy. This article looks at those barriers and aims to give some solutions in order to help veterinary nurses (VNs) improve current policies in their own establishments.
Alison Mann BSc (Hons), Dip HE CVN, Dip AVN (small animal), RVN
Alison graduated from Writtle College in 2005 with a BSc in Equine Science.
She qualified as a small animal VN in 2009 while working in mixed practice in Bristol. In 2010 Alison moved to Langford Vets to work as a surgical nurse. During this time she has achieved her Dip AVN (small animal). She now works as a clinical teaching nurse at Langford Vets, University of Bristol, teaching practicals and lecturing to undergraduate VNs in the Veterinary Nursing and Bioveterinary degree course while still maintaining her clinical veterinary nurse skills.
Email: Alison.Mann@bristol.ac.uk
Keywords: Clinical, Hand hygiene
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 32 (03) • March 2017 pp82-85
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