ABSTRACT: Veterinary nurses often shy away from working in a research environment and this article will show that we can have a positive impact on projects. As well as veterinary nursing skills such as handling and restraint, nurses have a lot more to offer such as communication and problem solving to this type of environment. Research can give valuable information into health and welfare of animals and the Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic studies the feline ageing process and looks at interventions that can potentially extend their lifespan.
Kelly Eyre RVN ISFM DipFN
Kelly started her career with cats almost 11 years ago, when she became a Cat Care Assistant for the Cats Protection. Kelly qualified as a Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2015 and began to delve deeper in to the feline world, where she set up the practice as a cat friendly clinic and went on to make many changes to how the practice approached cats. Kelly has recently completed the ISFM Diploma in Feline Nursing, and is currently studying towards the ISFM Advanced Certificate in Feline Behaviour: Kelly now runs the Royal Canin Feline Healthy Ageing Clinic at the University of Liverpool with Nathalie Dowgray.
Email: Kelly.Eyre@liverpool.ac.uk
Keywords: RVN; research; feline ageing
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 36 (08) • August 2021 pp261-263
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