It is well documented and widely recognised that CPD is an essential requirement for veterinary nurses to maintain registered status with their professional body (RCVS 2013). However, this should not be the sole driving force behind undertaking professional development courses.
Debbie Gray BSc (Hons) Cert Ed QTLS RVN MBVNA
Debbie worked as a veterinary nurse in small animal practice for a number of years, as well as being involved with student training and mentoring. In 2003, she was employed as a BSc veterinary nursing lecturer, she taught on the NVQ and Degree programmes and gained a Certificate of Education.
In 2007, Debbie moved to Oaklands College to teach animal management where she subsequently achieved the BSc (Hons) Veterinary Nurse top-up Degree. She went on to become a programme co-ordinator, monitoring the student progress and quality assurance process for Level 3 Animal Management. Debbie is now employed by the British Veterinary Nursing Association as its education development co-ordinator.
Keywords: Clinical, CPO, Evaluation
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 29 (06) • June 2014 • pp210-212
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