ABSTRACT: This article discusses the ethical aspects that must be considered and rationalised when dealing with clients who, due to cultural or religious beliefs, do not want their pets euthanased and instead choose to take the animal home for a ‘natural death’. Not all countries have the benefit of the robust animal welfare legislation of the UK, and RVNs working ethical issues that they will face.
Shoned Hawksworth DipcvN rvn Certiv (QVN) CertVNES (Exotics)
Shoned qualified as an RVN in 2006, and has worked in multiple clinics across the UK. In 2012 she gained her certificate in Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Species and moved to Hong Kong, where she is the Senior Nurse of a small animal and exotic hospital. This article was written as part of her Diploma in Clinical Veterinary Nursing. Email: vetnurse@taiwaiexotic.com
Keywords: Clinical, Euthanasia
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 31 (04) • April 2016 pp111-114
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