During 2021 BVNA achieved the Bronze Award and decided in 2022 to work towards improving its carbon footprint even further and work towards achieving ‘Silver’ accreditation.

The association have worked on changing how council meetings are now held and increased remote meetings where possible, working on a travel policy, reducing the carbon footprint on the day-to-day work of the office staff and reviewing the digital production of publications.

The iiE audit summary highlighted the work undertaken by Angela Mariconda, BVNA Office and Accounts Manager, in demonstrating the associations commitment to improving its environmental performance and highlighting the importance of reducing carbon footprint within the veterinary profession.

BVNA President Charlotte Pace commented, ‘This is an amazing achievement, and I would like to personally thank Angie for her hard work on this project. Angie recently celebrated 30 years working at the BVNA, and so this silver accreditation is in part, recognition of her work over the 3 decades she has been with BVNA.’