ABSTRACT: Fireworks are the most common cause of noise aversion in pet-dogs, eliciting potentially severe and prolonged behavioural responses, yet owners rarely seek treatment. This article discusses the scale of the problem, aetiology and differential diagnoses. By educating clients on prevention, management and modification of firework reactivity, an opportunity exists for registered veterinary nurses to improve pet-dog welfare during firework season, and throughout the year.
Lesley Townsend, MSC CAB, CBTT, CAP
Lesley is a self-employed dog trainer and behaviourist working in Dublin, Ireland. Lesley has a Master’s in Clinical Animal Behaviour (distinction) from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh, where she has been a member of the vet peer tutoring team. Her company, Clever Companions, specialises in pet-dog training and behaviour and her passion is improving pet-dog welfare through owner education and engagement. Email: Clevercompanions@gmail.com
Keywords: fireworks; noise reactivity; dog behaviour; welfare; client education
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 35 (09-12)• September-December 2020 •
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