ABSTRACT: The aim of good theatre practice is to offer a sterile and safe environment in which to undertake veterinary surgery with consideration to reducing the risks to the patient. Theatre designs found in veterinary practice often use techniques and technology derived from human hospital designs.
Preventing hospital-acquired infection is an important consideration when designing a veterinary surgical suite. There is a risk of nosocomial infection, so it’s important that aspects such as staff protocols, discipline, training and effective teamwork and communication are considered.1’7
Albert C P Holgate HE Dip CVN Dip AVN RVN
Albert has been employed at Greater Manchester Animal Hospital (RSPCA) since 2002. He qualified as a Veterinary Nurse in 2007 and completed the RCVS Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing in 2013. Albert is currently Clinical Manager overseeing a team of nurses at various levels.
Keywords: Clinical, Surgical, Design
To cite this article: Veterinary Nursing Journal • VOL 28 (08) • July 2013 • pp218-219
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